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  • Whitney Drollette

Exhibit 5


This one is your choice. Create something that uses skills you've learned so far. Push yourself to try something new. Be creative.

Idea :

This is a photo from my Great-Grandfather's funeral, which happened years ago. I love this picture, but I was always slightly annoyed by the cars in the background of the photo, and how dark and overcast it seemed. I figured this would be a great project for me this week.


This is a photo of a photo, which my grandmother sent me. It was taken by a family member, once upon a time, and then sent around to family members as a print. So, first I opened up the photo in Photoshop and from there I cropped it down a few times, and extended the photo using a Content-Aware Crop. Then, I created a background copy, and began using the lasso tool around the cars. From there, I used the Edit-> Content-Aware-Fill to remove the cars. I had to use the Healing-Brush tools as well as the Patch tools to re-create some of the snow and tree details around where the cars were. This photograph also had a lot of red tones, because of it being a photo of a photo, so I created a Hue-Saturation layer to pinpoint some of the unwanted reds and adjusted those out, as well as a Vibrance layer with a protective mask around the fire-trucks. I then created Color-Balance layers and a Levels layer in order to get rid of some of the overcast in the picture, and to brighten it up.


Contrast: I think the dark trees, the white snow, and the red fire-trucks create some good contrast in the image. Being present that day, my memory of the day resembles the after picture much more than the original.

Repetition: Repetition wise, there's not a lot of aspects. I purposefully darkened up the trees a bit to create some repetition and add more depth to the photo.

Alignment: The trucks are aligned towards the center/upper-left of the photograph which I think adds some visual interest.

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