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  • Whitney Drollette

Exhibit 1


Create a digital display that uses both text and an image that would motivate or encourage middle or high school students to reach for higher education .


Contrast: By means of contrast, I thought the bold black silhouettes contrasted with the background and the white text and really drew the eye in. I also thought the contrast between the regular and bold fonts mixed well and highlighted important words of the quote.

Repetition: I think the repetition of graduation caps that were making a semi-circle was a point of interest and almost perfectly set up for the alignment of text.

Alignment: The text alignment really complements the semi-circle and frames the centered text. It draws a lot of attention to the quote in the center.

Proximity: The proximity of the whole image is super center-based. I played around with where I wanted the text to be, and it just seemed to work best with such a concentrated center image.

Color Scheme: I thought the colors of a mystical horizon would go good with the graduates tossing their caps. Graduation marks the end of a chapter, and I thought the symbolic colors of a horizon would represent that well. Also, where the text and the silhouettes are so stark, the transitions between the reds, yellows, and oranges add a lot of interest.

Font choice: Ostrich Sans. I saw this font as one of the examples in our book, and really liked it. I downloaded it, and decided to use it.


Bold and Italic font: Ostrich Sans.

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